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Auteur: Capstone Software
Uitgever: Capstone Software
Meer details:Officiële spelwebsite, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Gerelateerde spellen: Build engine

Dit spel downloaden

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Bestand Details
  • Patch
  • MS-DOS
  • 253 kB (0,25 MB)

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Je kunt de volledige versie van Witchaven downloaden van de downloadwinkel(s) die hieronder zijn vermeld. Als je een spel koopt, krijg je niet alleen de volledige versie van het spel, je steunt ook deze site. Voor elke verkoop ontvangen we een kleine vergoeding van de downloadwinkel, wat ons helpt om deze gratis website in leven te houden. Bedankt en veel plezier!

Speltitel Winkel
Witchaven: €1,69 (-€4,90)


Make sure to update the demo to the latest version by applying the patch. Unpack the contents of into the directory where the demo is installed, overwriting files when prompted.

Note that if you play in the 640x480 mode, the HUD will not be visible, making it difficult to keep track of the player's health and armour.

Beoordeling door gebruikers

Wat vind jij van Witchaven? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.



Witchaven is one of the early games to use Ken Silverman's Build engine, which was made famous by Duke Nukem 3D. Witchaven can be though of as a distant cousin to Hexen: Beyond Heretic or Amulets & Armor. Set in a dark fantasy world, it casts the player as the sole champion to save his land from the forces of evil brought upon it by a malignant sorceress.

The player's arsenal includes a wide array of medieval weaponry, mostly close-ranged like daggers, swords and maces, but also bows. Any weapon will slowly wear down from use, like in The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall, and once it breaks you need to find a replacement. There are also various potions and spells, the latter require scrolls to cast. In addition, the player character slowly gains experience and will level up, making this a true action RPG.

The playable demo includes three (slightly modified) levels from the full game, and the player does not have access to some of the weapons, spells and items from the full version.

Beschrijving door MrFlibble

