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Speel Radix: Beyond the Void online - shareware (installed)


The game is pre-configured for WASD+ mouse controls.


Type in these codes one letter at a time during the game to cheat (note that some cheats require game version 1.1 or above):

nsbagwan: Toggle ultra-shields
nsbjipp: Toggle maneuvering jets
nsblaster: Toggle rapid shield regeneration
nsdeath: Death skill level
nsdebug: Debug mode
nsdiebesterds: Faster firing for weapons
nse: Full energy
nsfricoff: Toggle air friction
nshalt: Hover at minimum throttle
nshorsley: Toggle rapid energy regeneration
nsopta: Full armor, shields, energy, weapons, etc
nsoptl: Illuminate surfaces
nsoptm: Show full map
nsopts: Valid code that has no effect
nswarp##: Level select (first # is episode, second # is level)

Beschrijving door VGTips

Wellicht vind je de onderstaande spellen ook leuk...