The shareware version includes the entire first episode of the game, City of the Damned.
NOTE: This game can be played directly in Windows using a source port (see the links section below).
Type in these codes one letter at a time during the game to cheat:
cockadoodledoo: Chicken mode (turns player into a chicken?!)
engage##: Level warp (first # = episode, second # = level)
gimme##: Gives you an item: first # = item [a-j], second # = how many [1-9]. Items for first # are:
a = Ring of Invincibility
b = Shadowsphere
c = Quartz Flask
d = Mystic Urn
e = Tome of Power
f = Torch
g = Time Bomb of the Ancients
h = Morph Ovum
i = Wings of Wrath
j = Chaos Device
kitty: Toggle no clipping (walk through walls)
massacre: Kill all monsters
ponce: Fill health
quicken: Toggle God mode
rambo: All Weapons, full ammo and 200% armor
ravmap: Shows entire map (type while in map view), type again to show monsters/items, a third time goes back to normal
shazam: Power mode (doubles power of all weapons)
skel: Gives you all keys
Beschrijving door VGTips
Ook bekend als Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny, SoD
First-Person Shooter, 1992
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo
Auteur: | id Software |
Uitgever: | FormGen Corporation |
First-Person Shooter, 1993
Full version, Source code
Auteur: | Ken Silverman |
Uitgever: | Epic MegaGames |
Ook bekend als Alien Anarchy
First-Person Shooter, 1998
Playable demo
Auteur: | Perceptum Informática |
Uitgever: | Perceptum Informática |
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Full version (installed), Freeware
Auteur: | Digital Cafe |
Uitgever: | Ralston-Purina |
Ook bekend als HACX - Twitch 'n Kill
First-Person Shooter, 1997
Full version (installed), Full version, Full version (installed)
Auteur: | Banjo Software |
Uitgever: | Banjo Software |
First-Person Shooter, 1994
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo
Auteur: | Soft Enterprises |
Uitgever: | Soft Enterprises |
Ook bekend als Velocity Brawl
First-Person Shooter, 1995
Shareware (installed), Shareware, Extra
Auteur: | Terminal Reality |
Uitgever: | 3D Realms |
Ook bekend als Descent 2
First-Person Shooter, 1995
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo, Playable demo, Preview, Extra
Auteur: | Parallax Software |
Uitgever: | Interplay Productions |
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Playable demo (installed), Full version, Source code
Auteur: | Mind Shear Software |
Uitgever: | Softdisk Publishing |
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Playable demo, Playable demo
Auteur: | Titus Interactive |
Uitgever: | Titus Interactive |