NOTE: This game can be played directly in Windows using a source port (please see the links section at the bottom of the page).
First cheat: Press "J A M [Enter]" (press one key at a time). You'll get all the keys and your health will be refilled to 100%. Unfortunately your score will also be set to 0. This will only work on the registered version of the game.
The rest of the cheats require entering this special code on the command line (when you run the game): POWERBALL. This lets you use the 'debug keys'. Also, you have to hold down the left and right shift keys while the JAM Logo intro is showing. Staring holding them down when the white letters show up. Once you see the PC-13 screen, you can let go. You should hear a sound to let you know that it worked. After you complete these steps, the following cheats become available:
[Backspace] W: Warp to level
[Shift] W: Reloads the default map
[Backspace] D: Player invisible (dumb objects)
[Backspace] G: God mode
[Backspace] I: Item cheat
[Backspace] M: Memory info
[Backspace] P: Pause screen
[Backspace] Q: Fast quit
[Backspace] A: Add actors to auto mapper
[Backspace] U: Unlock all floors
[Backspace] O: Show hidden walls on auto mapper
[Backspace] E: Quick win mission
[Backspace] B: Border color
[Backspace] C: Count objects
[Backspace] F: Facing spot
[Backspace] H: Hurt self (only if not in God mode)
[Backspace] S: Slow motion
[Backspace] V: Extra VBLs (vertical blanking signal - this will do nothing for most users)
[Backspace] [Home]: Dec sky color (if ceiling textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [Pgup]: Inc sky color (if ceiling textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [End]: Dec ground color (if ground textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [Pgdn]: Inc ground color (if ground textures are OFF)
[Backspace] +: Add shading depth (if textures are OFF)
[Backspace] -: Dec shading depth (if textures are OFF)
[Backspace] ]: Inc shading drop off (if textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [: Dec shading drop off (if textures are OFF)
[Shift] [Tab]: Show full auto mapper containing all live actors
[6] [7]: Collect all bonus items (gold, ammo, health, etc.
[7] [8]: Kill all actors
[6] [8]: Collect all bonus items and kill all actors
Beschrijving door VGTips
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Uitgever: | Softdisk Publishing |
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