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Archimedean Dynasty


Ook bekend als: Schleichfahrt (German title)
Auteur: Massive Developments
Uitgever: Blue Byte Software
Meer details:Officiële spelwebsite, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Gerelateerde spellen: 3dfx

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Speltitel Winkel
Archimedean Dynasty: €1,29 (-€3,70)

Beoordeling door gebruikers

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Archimedean Dynasty is a challenging, action packed submarine simulation. Audio-fitted SuperVGA film sequences in cinema format with orchestral sound make you feel like you are a part of the action.

The game provides an extensive dialog system with which you can communicate with the other characters you'll encounter. You'll need to talk to the right people to get the right missions.

Equip your submarine with over 30 different weapon systems such as torpedos, water bombs and gun turrets with kinetic weapons. You'll need good weapons, along with your skill in piloting your submarine, if you are to survive Archimedean Dynasty.

Beschrijving door Blue Byte Software


  • nGlide (Glide wrapper that works with DOSBox)
