Press F3 in the main menu to play with the mouse. Default keyboard controls are: J to move paddle left, K to move right, Space bar to launch the ball.
Arcade, 1997
Full version (installed), Full version
Auteur: | Fully Bugged Software |
Uitgever: | |
Arcade, 1996
Shareware (installed), Shareware
Auteur: | The Toxic Zombies |
Uitgever: | Webfoot Technologies, Ticsoft |
Arcade, 1996
Freeware (installed), Freeware
Auteur: | DIGITAL Nightmares |
Uitgever: | DIGITAL Nightmares |
Arcade, 1995
Full version (installed), Full version
Auteur: | Synaptic Entertainment |
Uitgever: | Synaptic Entertainment |