Auteur: | Michael W. Lawrence |
Categorie: | Role-Playing |
Jaar: | 1994 |
Meer details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
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The shareware version contains one quest, The Book of Prophesies.
NOTE: You must extract the contents of both archives, aethr11a.zip and aethr11b.zip, into one place, then run INSTALL.EXE to install the game.
Beoordeling door gebruikers
Wat vind jij van The Aethra Chronicles: Celystra's Bane? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.
The Aethra Chronicles is a fantasy role playing game similar in style to Ultima and Bards Tale. The player is on a quest to discover who has kidnapped the newborn prince and why. The game starts with the player creating his character and two companions. Additional companions may be hired or found at some point in the game. The quest will take the characters to every town and village in the land. Many fearsome creatures will have to be faced. There are over a hundred different monsters from the lowly Giant Rat to the fearsome Red Dragon.
Beschrijving door Michael W. Lawrence