Auteur: | Looking Glass Technologies |
Uitgever: | Origin Systems, Electronic Arts |
Categorie: | First-Person Shooter |
Jaar: | 1994 |
Meer details: | Officiële spelwebsite, MobyGames, Wikipedia |
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Speltitel | Winkel |
System Shock: Enhanced Edition: €1,89 (-€7,30) | GOG.com |
Beoordeling door gebruikers
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In System Shock, biological engineering and automation merge in a raging storm completely out of human control. An indentured hacker, you awake from a healing coma on board the space station Citadel only to find yourself in the twisted aftermath of a mutiny.The crew has been mutated beyond recognition to serve SHODAN, a ruthless computer that controls station operations. With your neural implant, you can "jack" into cyberspace (SHODAN's realm) to steal clues to the mystery.
Creeping past armies of cyborgs and robots, you find hardware that grafts to your power suit and neural apparatus, including infrared cyber-eyes, jump-jet boots and an arsenal of weapons. Multi-function displays pump information to the screen, describing artifacts, warning of biohazards and radiation, analyzing targeted foes, and decrypting cyberspace messages. Shaking from adrenalin and information overload, you scarcely have time to think before SHODAN unleashes yet another terror. There's no time to rest when your foe doesn't sleep...
Beschrijving door Origin Systems