Auteur: | TSA |
Uitgever: | Mirage Software |
Categorie: | Shooter |
Jaar: | 1996 |
Meer details: | MobyGames |
Gerelateerde spellen: | Liberated (former commercial), Amiga original, Polish language |
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Type AGNIESIA at the copy protection screen to start the game with invulnerability.
Beoordeling door gebruikers
Wat vind jij van Rooster? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.
Rooster is a top-down shooter similar to Alien Breed, which originally came out on Amiga computers in Poland. The player controls a bloke called Rooster, who is the best commando ever (according to the game, at least), sent to infiltrate a station crawling with hostiles. However, unlike Alien Breed, you will be mostly facing various robots, but there are also occasional NPCs and other elements.
Rooster was originally sold commercially, but in the late 90s publisher Mirage Software made the full game available for download for free from their site. There is a copy protection system, but a text file with the required codes is provided by the publisher.
Beschrijving door MrFlibble