Auteur: | Silmarils |
Uitgever: | Silmarils |
Categorie: | Role-Playing |
Jaar: | 1994 |
Meer details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gerelateerde spellen: | Ishar Trilogy, Blobber, Dungeon crawler |
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Speltitel | Winkel |
Ishar Compilation: €5,49 | GOG.com |
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So many battles...so much slaughter...and still there is no peace
The shadow of chaos once more darkens the lofty spires of the Citadel, for the spirit of Shandar the magician seeks residence in the powerful body of Wohratax - last and most powerful of the ancient Black Dragons. Together, they will form an awesome entity of Evil. Unless you stop them.
After you create your party of heros - from the more than 100 character profiles available, each with individual life-like personalities - you must travel through the gates of Time itself, delving into the ancient history of Ishar, and change the Past in order to thwart Shandar's fearful reincarnation in the Present.
Time is short. The danger is great. Adventure beckons you into the wondrous Kingdom of Arborea, where beauty, magic and peril await. Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity: one of the most ambitious and sheerly beautiful role-playing games.
Beschrijving door Silmarils
- Dungeon Crawlers (first-person dungeon crawler database)