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HIND: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation


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Je kunt de volledige versie van HIND: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation downloaden van de downloadwinkel(s) die hieronder zijn vermeld. Als je een spel koopt, krijg je niet alleen de volledige versie van het spel, je steunt ook deze site. Voor elke verkoop ontvangen we een kleine vergoeding van de downloadwinkel, wat ons helpt om deze gratis website in leven te houden. Bedankt en veel plezier!

Speltitel Winkel
Hind: €3,89 (-€1,60)


The demo version allows to play one scenario with several difficulty settings available.

NOTE: This game uses a DOS installer. For details on how to install a game in DOSBox, please check this tutorial. You need to extract both and (found inside into the same directory to begin the installation process.

Beoordeling door gebruikers

Wat vind jij van HIND: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.



Strap yourself into the cockpit of the Hind, comrade!
You've felt the exhilharation of flying the Apache. Now you can double the adrenaline rush by taking the controls of the Russian Mi-24 Hind, a chopper so big, bad, and armed to the teeth, it's frightening!

Couple lightning-fast action and powerful 3D visual effects with new low-altitude terrain technology and advanced artificial intelligence based on actual Russian army activity, and you've got a helicopter simulation worthy of following the critically acclaimed Apache.

There's even a multiplayer feature, so up to eight players in two teams can compete via network or modem, allowing for the ultimate mission: head-to-head combat with the Apache!

Get a taste of what it's like to fly against the very best Uncle Sam has to offer. Strap yourself into the Hind, comrade. And try to stay alive ...

Beschrijving door Interactive Magic
