Auteur: | Immortality Productions |
Uitgever: | Manaccom |
Categorie: | Platform |
Jaar: | 1995 |
Meer details: | MobyGames |
DOS-spel online spelen
Je kunt Cold Dreams op deze website spelen, zodat je het spel niet op jouw computer hoeft te downloaden en te installeren. We raden je aan Google Chrome te gebruiken wanneer je DOS-spellen online speelt.
DOS-spel online spelenDit spel downloaden
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Bestand | Details |
Youse the arrow keys to control the character, Alt to jump and Ctrl to fire selected weapon. Press the number keys to switch between weapons (when available).
Beoordeling door gebruikers
Wat vind jij van Cold Dreams? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.
Cold Dreams is a fantasy/sci-fi platform game taking place on a distant planet. You control a brave adventurer who explores the forbidden caves crawling with various monsters. The game looks rather similar to Gods by Bitmap Brothers, but has a much slower pace.
The player needs to collect ammo for the various weapons (selectable by pressing the number keys), which include a literal pea-shooter that does very little damage, as well as throwing knives and axes, and even bombs that can be used to blow up certain walls. You also need to find keys and use switches to access some areas of a level.
Many of the enemies, at least those found early in the game, seem to pose only little threat as they're mostly busy circling around their erratic paths and not interested in attacking the player. Conversely, traps are often lethal at the slightest touch.
The controls are manageable but somewhat clunky. Sometimes you'll need several tries to jump over to an only slightly elevated platform. Thankfully there are often ladders to help moving about.
The shareware version includes the first episode out of three in the registered game.
Beschrijving door MrFlibble