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Auteur: Harald Krines, Thorsten Schmidt
Meer details:MobyGames
Gerelateerde spellen: Self-published, German language

DOS-spel online spelen

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DOS-spel online spelen

Dit spel downloaden

Kies het onderstaande bestand om dit spel te downloaden.

Bestand Details
  • uitvoerbaar bestand: BLOODS.BAT
  • configured for DOSBox

Beoordeling door gebruikers

Wat vind jij van Bloodsport? Beoordeel het spel hieronder op een schaal van 1 tot 10, waarbij 1 de laagste en 10 de hoogste score is.



Bloodsport is an early versus fighting game revolving around a martial arts tournament. Don't expect fluid character movement or unrealistic special moves a la Street Figher or Mortal Kombat. The game attempts to simulate more or less realistic karate fights using the limited resources of 286 PCs.

There are three different stages to be chosen from: Uchi-Komi is a training session in the dojo where the player can practice various moves. Randori is a one-on-one fight in a picturesque Japanese forest. And Kumite is a tournament against highly skilled opponents - much harder than Randori.

Bloodsport offers four playable characters with their own unique moves, but only the first one is available for actual fights in the shareware version. Moves are executed by pressing the numeric pad keys, either alone or while holding Shift or Ctrl.

Beschrijving door MrFlibble
